-------------------------------------------- i5 part of the RPGUnit plug-in for IBM Rational Developer for Power Systems -------------------------------------------- The RPGUnit plug-in connects the IBM Rational Developer for Power Systems with the RPGUnit, that was started by Lacton back in September 2006. It adds a context menu item to the Remote Systems Explorer to let you run your RPGUnit test suites directly from the explorer. The plug-in bases on the code of the RPG Next Gen Editor that is developed and provided by Mihael Schmidt at http://rpgnextgen.com/. The i5 part of the plug-in uses an enhanced version of the RPGUnit plug-in that was originally developed by Laction and continued by Cyril Clemenceau at http://rpgunit.sourceforge.net/. Unfortunately it seems as if the project is no longer alive. Nevertheless the original Internet pages at SourceForge are still a good source of information. In 2019 Mihael Schmidt and Thomas Raddatz joined iRPGUnit and ILEUnit to iRPGUnit 3.0. The Eclipse update site of the plug-in is at: https://irpgunit.sourceforge.io/eclipse/rdi8.0/ Let me know your experiences! -------------------------------------- Update to v3.0.0 Notice! -------------------------------------- It is important to know that starting with v3.0.0 source member TESTCASE has been moved from source file RPGUNIT1 to source file QINCLUDE. Currently iRPGUnit is shipped with a proxy member in file RPGUNIT1 to ensure backward compatibility at compile time. This proxy member will be removed after 31.12.2019 with a later version of iRPGUnit. Ensure to refactor your test suites in time! -------------------------------------- Installation Instructions -------------------------------------- a) Call the A_INSTALL REXX script with: STRREXPRC SRCMBR(A_INSTALL) SRCFILE(RPGUNIT/QBUILD) PARM('INSTALL') b) Optionally run the RPGUnit self tests: STRREXPRC SRCMBR(A_SELFTEST) SRCFILE(RPGUNIT/QBUILD) PARM('RPGUNIT') -------------------------------------- History -------------------------------------- -------------------------- Version 4.0.0 - xx.xx.2021 -------------------------- * Added Cobol support. * Added parameter DLTSPLF to commands RUCRTRPG and RUCRTCBL. * Added test suite OPDESCT. * Added module JOBLOG. * Added module LSTSPLF. * Refactored the iRPGUnit library to support Cobol. (assert, fail, aEqual) * Converted module STRINGT to **free and added procedure parseNum(). * Fixed bug, that fail() did not create an error, when called in a monitor block from a deep stack entry. * Fixed bug, that OUTPUT(*NONE) and OUTPUT(*ERROR) incorrectly produced a spooled file. * Fixed self-test CMDRUNLOGT (related to: OUTPUT *ERROR/*NONE bug). * Added missing copyright footer to German help pages. * Changed MK' scripts to delete the spooled files after compiling an object. Version 3.2.0 - 17.04.2020 -------------------------- * Changed capturing of the callstack to exclude internal procedures of iRPGUnit such as iEqual() or fail().. Version 3.1.0 - 18.11.2019 -------------------------- * Added options '*SRCMBRTXT' and '*DEFAULT' to parameter TEXT of command RUCRTTST. * Changed iRPGUnit to accept 'RPGUNIT' and 'IRPGUNIT' as an marker for a unit test suite service program. * Changed default of parameter TEXT of command RUCRTTST from 'RPGUnit - Test Case' to '*SRCMBRTXT'. * Changed default debug view of iRPGUnit self-tests to *ALL to better support code coverage. Version 3.0.1 - 02.11.2019 -------------------------- * Fixed runtime error 'I/O operation was applied to closed file QSYSPRT' when running unit tests with disabled report output. Version 3.0.0 - 09.09.2019 -------------------------- * Merged ILEUnit (Mihael Schmidt) with iRPGUnit. * Added option to create a XML stream file for capturing the result of a unit test, which can be read by the Jenkins build server. * Added option to upload the iRPGUnit product library to a named ASP device. * Added runtime error message to spooled file output. * Changed A_INSTALL from CLLE to Rexx. * Changed MK* from CLLE to Rexx. * Renamed source files to more intuitive names. * Bug fixes. +==========================================================================+ | Notice: Version 2.5 is the last version with an iRPGUnit library | | compiled for V6R1. Upcoming versions will be compiled for 7.1, | | when there is a need for changing the library. | +==========================================================================+ Version 2.5.0 - 08.04.2019 -------------------------- * Fixed problem of replacement variables that were not replaced by the substitution data. * Added option "Format job log entries". * Fixed missing name of sending program. * Fixed missing statement number of receiving program. * Added preference option for capturing job log messages. * Fixed problem that the "show view warning" was displayed to often. Version 2.4.2 - 02.11.2018 -------------------------- * Fixed compile issue when installing the utility into a different library (RUNRMTSVR, ticket: #1). Version 2.4.1 - 24.11.2018 -------------------------- * Added parameter ACTGRP to command RUCRTTST. * Added unit tests 'testActGrp' and 'testText'. * Added special value '*BLANK' to parameter 'TEXT' of command RUCRTTST. * Changed 'serializeString' to trim parameter 'text' before checking it for an empty string. Version 2.3.0 - 21.09.2018 -------------------------- * Added dialog for uploading the RPGUNIT library from the iRPGUnit preference page. (Button next to "Product library".) * Removed readme_first.txt because everything is described on the local update site. * Updated help text regarding the installation instructions. Version 2.2.3 - 25.06.2018 -------------------------- * Fixed CMDRUNLOGT to match the changed report layout. * Fixed RUACPTST to match the changed report layout. * Fixed rslvProc() to return procedure pointer for procedure names with trailing spaces. * Fixed RUPLUGINT1.testAllOK_4() test case. * Fixed upload_savf.bat. * Added dummy procedure 'ET_testProc_3 ' to self-test EXTTSTT. * Changed name of preference page to "iRPGUnit". * Changed name of help manual to "iRPGUnit". Version 2.2.2 - 08.02.2018 -------------------------- * Improved error reporting when validating a service program or procedure. * Changed A_INSTALL to pass the TGTRLS parameter to all called MK* programs. Version 2.2.1 - 14.06.2017 -------------------------- * Changed RPGUnit view to display the number of assertions. * Fixed problem, that a test procedure had to start with 'test' in lower case. Now the case is ignored. * Now errors in setup/teardown procedures properly show up in RDi. * Added number of executed assertions to RPGUnit view. Version 2.1.0 - 06.12.2016 -------------------------- * Changed RUCRTTST to validate the combination *EVENTF/*TSTPGM for RPGLE and SQLRPGLE member types. * Updated copyright notice of LLIST_SORT. * Updated STRPREPRC header of source member TEMPLATE. * Added example source member TEMPLSQL. * Added number of assertions to RPGUnit view. Version 2.0.0 - 29.11.2016 -------------------------- * Changed length of message text from 256 to 1024 bytes. * Added unit test RUPLUGINT5. * Added procedure getAssertFailEvtLong() to retrieve the long message text. * Added new type definition AssertFailEvtLong_t for procedure getAssertFailEvtLong(). * Fixed hard coded reference to library RPGUNIT in unit test RUCRTTSTT. * Fixed missing 'Export' keyword of procedure 'tearDown' of unit test 'CRTTSTT'. * Renamed RUN to CMDRUNSRV (source member + module). * Renamed RUCRTTST to CRTTST (source member + module). * Renamed RUPGMRMT to PGMRMT (source member + module). * Renamed RURUNRMT to RMTRUNSRV (source member + module). * Renamed RUSRCMBR to SRCMBR (source member + module). * Renamed RUTAGTST to TAGTST (source member + module). * Renamed MKRUNRMT to MKRMTRUN (source member + program). * Renamed MKCMDRUN to MKCALLTST (source member + program). * Renamed RUCRTTSTT to CRTTSTT (source member + module). * Renamed RUCMDRUN to RUCALLTST (object only, see: MKCALLTST). The following errors are produced by units tests of version 1.10 and lower: ASSERTT.testAssertWithFailure Expected '9800', but was '16800'. Reason: Refactoring of module ASSERT. Introduced new procedure doAssert(). ASSERTT.testAssertWithSuccess Expected '', but was ' Reason: The new "assertFailEvt" (assertFailEvtLong_t) had to be mapped to the old "assertFailEvt" (assertFailEvt_t) structure, which properly sets the length bytes of "assertFailEvt_v1.msg" to x'0000'. These bytes had been set to x'4040' before. Procedure ASSERT.clrAssertFailEvt() now uses 'clear' instead of '*BLANKS' to initialize the assert fail event structure. ASSERTT.testBigIntegerEquality Expected '', but was ' Reason: see ASSERTT.testAssertWithSuccess ASSERTT.testGoodByeIsNotHello Expected 'assert', but was 'aEqual'. Reason: see ASSERTT.testAssertWithFailure ASSERTT.testHelloEqualsHello Expected '', but was ' Reason: see ASSERTT.testAssertWithSuccess ASSERTT.testTwoAndTwoEqualsFour Expected '', but was ' Reason: see ASSERTT.testAssertWithSuccess ASSERTT.testTwoAndTwoIsNotEqualToFive Expected 'assert', but was 'iEqual'. Reason: see ASSERTT.testAssertWithFailure RUNT.test_loadTestSuite MCH3601 - Pointer not set for location referenced. Reason: Parameter srvPgm has been removed from procdure loadTestSuite(). RUNT.test_runTestProc_errorInSetup Expected 'E', but was 'F'. Reason: see ASSERTT.testAssertWithSuccess RUNT.test_runTestProc_errorInTearDown Expected 'E', but was 'F'. Reason: see ASSERTT.testAssertWithSuccess RUNT.test_runTestProc_errorInTest Expected 'E', but was 'F'. Reason: see ASSERTT.testAssertWithSuccess RUNT.test_runTestProc_failureInTest Expected 'TEST_FAIL', but was 'fail'. Reason: Refactoring of module ASSERT. Introduced new procedure doFail(). RUNT.test_runTestProc_tearDownAfterErrorInSetup Expected 'E', but was 'F'. Reason: see ASSERTT.testAssertWithSuccess RUACPTST.TESTBIGINTEGER Expected 'assert', but was 'iEqual'. Reason: see ASSERTT.testAssertWithFailure RUACPTST.TESTCHOOSETEST Expected 'TEST2 (TESTPGM05', but was 'fail (RUTESTCASE'. Reason: Refactoring of module ASSERT. Introduced new procedure doFail(). RUACPTST.TESTFAILURES Expected 'assert', but was 'iEqual'. Reason: see ASSERTT.testAssertWithFailure RUACPTST.TESTSTACKTRACE Expected 'assert', but was 'iEqual'. Reason: see ASSERTT.testAssertWithFailure Version 1.10.0 - 26.01.2016 --------------------------- * Restructured the RPGUnit utility for better maintenance. * Fixed self-test compile errors. Version 1.9.1 - 06.02.2015 -------------------------- * Enhanced the help text and described the new option that controls how the test suite service programs are validated. * Added warning message, when the user defined attribute could not be retrieved Version 1.9.0 - 05.02.2015 -------------------------- * Added preference option to select the type of validity checking of unit test service programs. Version 1.8.0 - 25.01.2015 -------------------------- * Changed the plug-in to select unit test procedures from the RSE tree. Version 1.7.5 - 16.12.2014 -------------------------- * Added message box that is displayed, when the statement identifier cannot be mapped to the source line number. Version 1.7.4 - 09.12.2014 -------------------------- * Fixed problem that the LPEX editor did not always position to source statement in error when opening a failed test case. Version 1.7.3 - 26.08.2014 -------------------------- * Fixed getCallStk() to respect the size of the call stack entry array. * Fixed runTestProc() to properly set the number of executed assertions per test case. (See also: RURUNRMT.fillUserSpace()) * Changed getCallStk() to flag incomplete call stacks with '*INCOMPLETE' on the last call stack entry. * Thoroughly renamed field 'stmt' to 'specNB'. * Removed spaces for 'Initialize Printer' and 'Carriage Return' from RUWSCST. * Changed RUPLUGINT1 to produce a deeper call stack. (See: recursion of procInError()) * Plug-in: Now passing special value *ALL instead of a null parameter to RUPGMRMT to execute all test cases. Version 1.7.2 - 19.02.2014 -------------------------- * Changed RURUNRMT to restore the library list after the test suite has been run. (System i) Version 1.7.1 - 19.02.2014 -------------------------- * Fixed RNX0100 in procedure hasSameBeginning() of module EXTTST. (System i) Version 1.7.0 - 07.01.2014 -------------------------- * Added option to do a RCLRSC at the end of the test suite. Version 1.6.0 - 27.11.2013 -------------------------- * Added option to open a source member from the RPGUnit view. * Fixed missing German internationalizations. Version 1.5.3 - 22.11.2013 -------------------------- * Fixed missing German tooltips of buttons of RPGUnit view. Version 1.5.2 - 20.11.2013 -------------------------- * Added German translation. Version 1.5.1 - 19.11.2013 -------------------------- * Added option to use a separate connection for running the unit tests. This way service entry points can be used for debugging unit tests. (See: Preferences -> RPGUnit -> Enforce new connection) Version 1.5.0 - 17.11.2013 -------------------------- * Added Spooled File Viewer to display the RPGUnit test report. * Changed RUCALLTST and plug-in to accept up to 250 procedure names. * ======================================================================= * / Note: Please notice that you need to set your preferences again, / / because I had to change some keys. (I am still learning.) / * ======================================================================= * Version 1.4.2 - 07.11.2013 -------------------------- * Removed invalid setting of "Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment" of RPGUnit for WDSC 7.0. * Changed compiler of RPGUnit for WDSC 7.0 to original IBM J9 compiler. Version 1.4.1 - 06.11.2013 -------------------------- * Added buttons "Collapse All" and "Expand All". * Added menue item "Remove Selected RPGUnit Test Suite". * Updated preferences page and added option to specify the product library. The product library is used to find program RURUNRMT, which executes the unit tests. Version 1.4 - 31.10.2013 ------------------------ * Fixed: Now "Runs:" displays the correct number of executed test cases. * Changed RPGUnit view to get closer to JUnit. * Added: Special thank to Michael Calabro who enhanced RUCRTTST to compile SQLRPGLE source members. * Added procedure: MsgInfo_t = getMonitoredMessage(*ON|*OFF) Usage: monitor; a = 10; b = 0; // Attempt made to divide by zero for c = a / b; // fixed point operation. (MCH1211) fail( 'Division by zero did not raise an error.' ); on-error; msgInfo = getMonitoredMessage(*ON); // remove message endmon; // from job log aEqual( 'MCH1211': msgInfo.Id ); Version 1.3 - 15.08.2013 ------------------------ * Fixed errors in 'upload_src.bat'. * Fixed selftest unit test cases. The unit test cases had to be fixed because of internal changes that were required for the plug-in: Changed: 'assertFailEvt_t'. Changed: Prototypes of setLogContext() and logCompMsg(). Changed: 'ExcpMsgInfo' references 'Msg_t', now. Changed: Now, handleSuccess() is called regardless of the value of 'detail'. Affects: 'logIdx'. Changed: Formatting of call stack entry. Bugfix: Close spooled file after error (RUACPTST). Changed: Prototypes of getCrtRpgModCmd() and getCrtSrvPgmCmd(). Changed: 'TestResult_t'. Affected unit tests: ASSERTT RUACPTST CMDRUNLOGT RUCRTTSTT CMDRUNT RUNT PGMMSGT New selftest unit tests: LIBLT STRINGT New demonstration unit tests: RUPLUGINT1 RUPLUGINT3 RUPLUGINT2 RUPLUGINT4 Version 1.2.2 - 12.08.2013 -------------------------- * Replaced 'MKRPGUNIT' with 'A_INSTALL' in 'readme_first.txt'. * Removed unused code from plug-in. Version 1.2.1 - 28.06.2013 -------------------------- * Now the plug-in correctly passes parameter 'procedure' as a VARYING field to program RUPGMRMT. * Now the plug-in correctly enables/disables actions 'Rerun All Unit Tests' and 'Rerun Selected Unit Tests' when the view is opened. * Now the plug-in checks for job description 'RPGUNIT' when parameter 'LIBL' is set to '*JOBD'. * Ported plug-in back to WDSC 7.0. * Refactored plug-in as suggested in 'templates' by the original author and replaced 'ExcpMsgInfo_t' with 'Msg_t'. Version 1.2.0 - 24.06.2013 -------------------------- * Added call stack entries to the RPGUnit view, when the result of a test suite is displayed. Version 1.1.2 - 21.06.2013 -------------------------- * Compiled plug-in for RDP 8.0. Version 1.1.1 - 21.06.2013 -------------------------- * Added parameters LIBL and JOBD to the preferences page. * Removed unused program code. * Added parameter 'fieldName' to aEqual(), iEqual() und nEqual(). * Added parameters LIBL and JOBD to RUPGMRMT and RURUNRMT. * Changed RURUNRMT to save and restore the library list. * Added utility procedures waitSeconds(), displayStatusMessage(), restoreStatusMessage() and clearStatusMessage(). Version 1.1.0 - 20.06.2013 -------------------------- * Added screen shot to update site. Version 1.0.6 - 08.06.2013 -------------------------- * Now the character cases are correctly ignored when comparing the specified 'test procedure' name. * Added parameters LIBL and JOBD to command RUCALLTST. Version 1.0.5 - 07.05.2013 -------------------------- * Added parameter MODULE to command RUCRTTST. Version 1.0.4 - 06.05.2013 -------------------------- * First release of the 'RPGUnit Test for IBM Rational Developer for Power Systems 8.0' plug-in.